Functions > IS Utilities > Deans List Prod
An SISAdmin window that is used to produce the Dean’s List and Class Rank for a division. In order for the dean’s list honor or class rankings to be applied to student’s records, a SIS process must be completed.
- Do not rerun the list for a given semester. This will create duplicate records in the buffer. If it happens use the script below to delete and start over (for a division!!)
There is a two step process for running the dean’s list and class rank.
- Step #1. Run the buffer report.
- The buffer report allows schools to review the list of students who are set to get the dean’s list honor. Schools must review the list and give the “okay” before the honor is applied to student’s records. The buffer records are created in accordance with the dean’s list honor rules, set in the Deans List Controls table (IS Utilities > Deans List Controls)
- To run the buffer, go to IS Utilities > Deans List Prod (which relates to the control window, Deans List Controls). The window steps you through the process.
- Honors type = Hon 0001 Deans List.
- Action = Create Honors Buffer Records.
- Select the Semester, pick the school(s) and click START.
- For the School of Engineering dean’s list is run for EN, SU, TU and class rank is run for EN only.
- Review the buffer
- To review the buffer records in report form, go to Reports > School > Honors by Division. The buffer report allows schools to review the list of students who are set to get the dean’s list honor. Schools must review the list and give the “okay” before the honor is applied to student records.
- Enter the division, semester, pick honors type and then Buffer Record
- To review the buffer records in report form, go to Reports > School > Honors by Division. The buffer report allows schools to review the list of students who are set to get the dean’s list honor. Schools must review the list and give the “okay” before the honor is applied to student records.
- Step #2. Apply the buffer records as honors.
- After dean’s offices have reviewed their dean’s list buffer records and given approval to apply to student’s records, it is necessary to initiate the process that applies the dean’s list honor to SIS.
- Go to IS Utilities > Deans List Prod.
- Honors type = HON 0001 Deans List.
- Action = Apply Buffer Records to AA (Academic Action) Table.
- Select the Semester, pick the school(s) and click START.
- Review the posted honor records
- To verify the records posted, go to Reports > School > Honors by Division report. The status, after the buffer has been applied to student’s records, changed from “new” to “processed.”
- This report is designed for dean’s offices to verify the students on dean’s list.
- For LA, there is an added option available to display four-year advisor name.
- This report is designed for dean’s offices to verify the students on dean’s list.
- To verify the records posted, go to Reports > School > Honors by Division report. The status, after the buffer has been applied to student’s records, changed from “new” to “processed.”
Redoing Dean’s List
- Before createing the Honors records from the buffer, the buffer process can be re-run, PROVIDED that the existing buffer records are first deleted. This requires a SQL statement to be written. Simply rerunning the process will create duplicate records.