Functions > Admin Functions > Advisor Wizard

The wizard lets you assign an advisor to a group of students from a selected list or an imported file.

To reassign all advisees for one advisor to another advisor:

  • Go to the SISAdmin Reports menu and generate an advisee list for the advisor from who the students need to be taken.
  • Select all using the Shift/Click combination on the first and last names, then open the Advisor Wizard.
  • All selected students should appear in the wizard.
  • Select the new advisor (use ‘?’ button for list by school) and the advisor Type, check the Start and End dates, and click Assign Advisor.
  • This creates the new advisor/advisee link, but does not end the old advisor relationship, so remember to go back to Advisor Maintenance for that advisor and Close All.

To assign advisees for an advisor using an imported file:

This works when you are assigning students to advisors for the first time. It does not work for advisor changes.

The first step is to create a file of student data to use for the upload. The file must be submitted as a tab-delimited text file (filename.txt).

  • The easiest method is to create your file first in Excel and then save it as a tab-delimited (.txt) file.

The file only needs to contain Student ID number.

  • Do NOT include a header row, student names, etc.

NOTE: You can only upload advisees for one advisor at a time.

To upload a file:

  • Pick the advisor by clicking the “Select New Advisor” box
  • Select the advisor type (e.g. FYA, FAC) by clicking the “Advisor Type” drop down
  • Chose the Active Start and End Dates (the default start date is today’s date and the default end date is 12/31/2999)
  • Chose to check or uncheck Set Advisor and Set MP.
  • Click the file folder icon to open the Advisor Wizard Import box which allows you to browse for and select your tab delimited file.
    • Find your file and click the “Open” button
  • You will then see the students from your file displayed in the Advising Wizard box.
  • Click the “Assign Advisor” button to complete the process.