Functions > Student Info > Honors
The Honors record in SIS can contain multiple notations indicating various Honors and Awards received by the student.
- The Honors record is maintained by the deans’ offices and the Office of the University Registrar.
- Most honors and awards will print on an official transcript, however those with a ‘No’ indicated in “Display on Transcript” will not (generally those with codes that are numbered 8xxx or 9xxx).
- Latin honors (Summa Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, etc.) are awarded at graduation and are maintained by the Office of the University Registrar per direction from the schools to ensure coordination with the student’s diploma and the Commencement program, both of which display Latin honors.
Note : Use the Academic Actions Report on the Reports menu to view a history of all Honors received by an individual student or to see a listing of all students receiving a specific honor.