Functions > IS Utilities > Resource Users
This window is used to add or remove SIS users from a Resource Group. Being part of the group gives users access to the Resources of the group.
This is a collection of pieces in SIS for managing access to different kind of resources. It was deveopled as part of the Overseas Project, but it also ties into the the Email Forms for SISAdmin.
Add Remove Users from Group
- Open IS Utilities \ Resource Users
- Double Click the Resource Owner Group in the left panel that you want to manage. A list of Users will show up in the middle panel. A list of Resources will show up in the right panel.
- To add a new user, click the Add New User to Current Owner Group button above the middle panel. The standard user look-up window will appear.
- To remove a user, change the Active status to ‘No’
- Save
Add Remove Groups for Single User
- Open IS Utilities \ Resource Users
- Click the Open New User button above the middle panel
- A list of the user’s Groups will show in the middle panel.
- A list of all resources will display in the right panel.
- To a add a Group for the person, drag the group from the left panel.
- To remove a person from a Group, mark the Active status as No
- Save.
- A Resource, e.g. an email form, is linked to a Resource Owner Group. Indiviudal users are in turn part of a Group and have access to the Resources owned by the Group.
Owner Groups
- Resource Owner Groups are defined in the IS Utilities \ Resource Owners window. The group will have resourcs attached to it and will have users in the group who have access to those resources.
- BUG! – When you create a new Owner Group, you need to add the first item to the group via the database. The SISAdmin window will not show the group until it has at least one item attached.
Group Membership
- Group Membership is controlled through the IS Utilities \ Resource Users window.
Data Objects
- at_resource
- Templates –
- Checklists –
- Checklist Packages –
- Email Forms – at_email_form
- at_resource_owner
- at_resource_user
- at_resource_x_owner