Functions > Academic Plan > Semester Course Attributes

At the semester level, attributes can be added independently of other semesters or the curriculum. This is where attributes get their power. They allow schools/departments to classify their courses based on the content that particular semester and communicate this classification to students and other systems. This will include: WUachieve, Online Course Listings, and Department Websites.

Managing attributes at the semester level is extremely important, because this is where they may be changing over time. This may need to become a part of your course listings process each semester. There are reports in WUCRSL and SISAdmin to help with this maintenance (outlined below).

Steps for adding attributes at the semester level:

1) Go to Functions>Academic Plan> Semester Course Attributes.

2) Enter the appropriate semester, school code, and department. (e.g. FL2017, E, E81).

3) Click Get Courses.

4) Click the “Approved” radio button.

5) On the left, find the appropriate course and click to highlight it.

6) Only your school’s attributes should appear in the right-hand pane. Click on the appropriate attribute and drag it over to the left-hand pane.

7) The attribute should now appear in the listing to the left.