Functions > Admin Functions > Registration Upload
The Registration Upload function in SISAdmin can be used to import a large volume of course registration data, enabling the user to enroll many students into multiple courses at the same time. This process can only be used with home course numbers and subsections, not idents.
File Specifications:
The first step is to create a file of registration data to use for the upload. The file must be submitted as a tab-delimited text file (filename.txt).
- The easiest method is to first create an Excel file and then save it as a tab-delimited (.txt) file.
- The tab-delimited (.txt) file should NOT contain a header row.
- Caution: This function does not check for or honor student Holds (accounting holds, library holds, etc.). Students with holds will be enrolled when the Registration Upload feature is used.
- Bug: This process will not honor zero unit courses. It will default all zero unit course registrations to 3 units. There is a work-around which is to use this process to create the original enrollments and then immediately use the SIS Section Registration function to change the number of units from 3 to zero.
- Bug: This function does not currently recognize labs/discussions/subsections that are designated by two letters (AA, AB, etc.)
The file should contain the following information in separate columns in the order listed below:
- Student ID – the student SIS ID
- Semester – semester in display format (e.g., FL2015)
- Session ID – the SIS session/subsemester ID – optional, default is 1 (see “Note 2” below on where to find the session ID codes)
- School – the school code (use single letter school code, e.g., A, B, L, E, W, etc.)
- Department – the department code (e.g., L30)
- Course Number – the course number (e.g., 100B)
- Section – the section in alpha format (e.g., 01, 02 – leading zeros are necessary for sections numbered 01-09. Subsections get listed as A, B, C, etc.)
- Section Type – section type code (e.g., S, L) – optional, default is S (section). Other section codes are L (lab), U (subsection), and D (discussion)
- Units – number of units for the course with one decimal place (e.g., 3.0) – optional, default is 3.0
- Grade Option – the grading option for that student in that course (e.g., C, P, A, S (special audit)).
- Wait Option – waitlist option (optional). Valid values are:
- N = No wait (default)
- F = Force the student into the course
- W = place the student on the Wait list if allowed
- Lab/Subsection/Discussion – lab/subsection/discussion letter, if applicable (e.g., A)
- Lab Type – the lab type code, if applicable. Codes are L (lab), U (subsection), and D (discussion).
Note 1: Be sure to use CAPITAL letters everywhere letters are needed.
Note 2: Verify all data above against that which is listed in WUCRSL. Data in the upload .txt file should match WUCRSL.
Note 3: A list of Session/Subsemster ID numbers can be found under the Sub-Semester section here: Sessions/Subsemester IDs
Sample text file with enrollment in a section (no lab):
Semester is FL2016, sub-semester/session = 1 (regular), school is B, course is B62 5203, section is 01, section type is S, units = 3 and grade option is P.

Note: If you need to enroll students in a section and a lab, your text file will continue to have one row per student, but you will add more details. In addition to Student ID, Display Semester, Session ID, School, Department and Course Number, each row in the file will need to have Section, Section Type, Units, Grade Option, Wait Option, Lab, Lab Type. When the file is uploaded, SIS is smart enough to apply the Units to the section only and not the lab.
Sample text file when students need to be enrolled in a section and lab:
Semester is FL2016, sub-semester/session = 1 (regular), school is L, course is L31 197, section is 04, section type is S, units = 4 and grade option is C (credit), Wait option is F (students are forced in regardless of enrollment limit), lab enrollment will be in lab E and lab type = L. Codes are L (lab), U (subsection), and D (discussion).

Note: If the enrollment limit field in WUCRSL is set lower than the number of students you want to upload, use the “F” Wait Option to force students into the course. This is helpful if an enrollment limit is set to zero. Just be careful to chose the right setting.
This is a sample of how the data looks when imported into the Registration Upload screen:

When you are ready to upload your file, use the following steps:
Step 1: Go to Functions > Admin Functions > Registration Upload
Step 2: Browse and choose the file you wish to import
Step 3: Preview your data and verify or correct as needed
Step 4: Click the Upload button; wait for processing to complete
Step 5: Failures and Errors will be noted in the preview portion of the window. Click the Registration Failures and/or Registration Errors boxes to isolate those rows for review. Save/Print as needed.
Step 6: The Status report lists those rows which were successfully uploaded. Save/Print as needed.
Step 7: Click Done to close the window.
Note: this function is routinely used by Engineering to load course enrollment data for the UMSL Joint Engineering Program.